Back to Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer, 24 Ounce

Customer reviews

4.27 out of 5stars
(15 reviews)

Most helpful positive review

5.00 out of 5 stars review
Verified Purchaser
Works perfectly. We have used it for many years.
I have been using this for years. We have a problem with fire ants, carpenter ants and what we call sugar ants (the really tiny ones) and this takes care of all of them. As soon as I see one (averaging once a year from spring until winter), I sprinkle it lightly around the entire house and the ants disappear, within a few days. You don't need a lot - just a few crystals, every few feet. Keep the container in an air tight bag, otherwise I have found that it absorbs moisture and cakes up. The bag takes care of that. I would highly recommend this to anyone with an ant problem.

Most helpful negative review

1.00 out of 5 stars review
Verified Purchaser
Don't buy unless the ants in your area are dumb!
I was hoping this would solve my ant problem. I went ahead and sprinkled around the ant area and watched them take it to their burrow. Some of the ants took it back out and piled it up outside their burrow. Some did take into the burrow. I notice the next day no ants I was happy as they're doing a lot of damage to my house and two different species of ants (tiny black ants that bite and common black ant). About five days later I noticed ants again, so again I sprinkle the bait and the ants got wise to the bait and would not touch it. So needless to say it does not work!
14 reviews
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  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Works like a Charm
    I love this product. It has always worked right away for me. With the heat came a bunch of red ants in the house. One application of Amdro and they were gone in the morning.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Amdro kills ants.
    Amdro is a bait that attracts ants. Thy seek it out and take it inside the nest and it kills the Queen. It is very effective on the fireants we have here.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Works Fast and Great Price
    This stuff is excellent, especially for the price. I just followed the instructions, sprinkled some around the ant mound, and let the ants do the rest. Within a couple of days, the mound was gone.
  • 1.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Don't buy unless the ants in your area are dumb!
    I was hoping this would solve my ant problem. I went ahead and sprinkled around the ant area and watched them take it to their burrow. Some of the ants took it back out and piled it up outside their burrow. Some did take into the burrow. I notice the next day no ants I was happy as they're doing a lot of damage to my house and two different species of ants (tiny black ants that bite and common black ant). About five days later I noticed ants again, so again I sprinkle the bait and the ants got wise to the bait and would not touch it. So needless to say it does not work!
  • 1.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Don't buy unless the ants in your area are dumb!
    I was hoping this would solve my ant problem. I went ahead and sprinkled around the ant area and watched them take it to their burrow. Some of the ants took it back out and piled it up outside their burrow. Some did take into the burrow. I notice the next day no ants I was happy as they're doing a lot of damage to my house and two different species of ants (tiny black ants that bite and common black ant). About five days later I noticed ants again, so again I sprinkle the bait and the ants got wise to the bait and would not touch it. So needless to say it does not work!
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    When it comes to ants Amdro ant bock is the one.
    This is a great product! Let's say you have ants in your yard just a few sprinkles of this product and takes 1-3 days and it kills the whole colony and your good for like 2 months.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Works perfectly. We have used it for many years.
    I have been using this for years. We have a problem with fire ants, carpenter ants and what we call sugar ants (the really tiny ones) and this takes care of all of them. As soon as I see one (averaging once a year from spring until winter), I sprinkle it lightly around the entire house and the ants disappear, within a few days. You don't need a lot - just a few crystals, every few feet. Keep the container in an air tight bag, otherwise I have found that it absorbs moisture and cakes up. The bag takes care of that. I would highly recommend this to anyone with an ant problem.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Gets the whole colony
    I've used other Fire ant killers. This is the one that will wipe out the whole colony. The worker ants take it back to the queen. Workers eat it, but it takes a day or two for them to die. In the mean time, Queen thinks it safe to eat, workers die, she dies..colony wiped out. Great product!
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    I highly recommend Amdro
    Follow directions and you will get the promised results. Ive used this product for 6 years and it always works within a day or two. Very, very pleased with Amdro!
  • 4.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    AMDRO Home Perimeter Ant Block/Bait
    My order was received in a well packed box with everything I was expecting. This product works for the ants around my house, I was getting invaded by ants every year until I started using this product. It in no way lasts 3 months for me, but we have so many ants it's ridiculous, and I would imagine I would have to hire professional exterminators if I did not apply this every 1-1½ months or so. I use it on approximately 1 acre of the property and with a small handheld spreader it takes 4 -24 oz containers to properly treat all the areas infested with ants. Since using this product I have not had more than 2 small ants come in my home. The disturbingly large 1½" ants still come in, but I don't know how to stop them. I figure they will soon be large enough to simply open my door and let themselves in! But this really is a great product if you have any ant infestations, or even ant hills littering your yard. It hasn't seemed to affect the numerous other wildlife, such as frogs and toads, grasshoppers, butterflies and moths, spiders, dragonflies, or birds.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Literally went from ants invading my house to zero ants within 2 days. I watched the ants on the porch picking the granules up to take back to the nest.
  • 4.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    I am writing a review for the Spark review program for the Amdro Ant Block Home perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer. The item I received was a small twenty-four ounce bottle that contained granules of the ant killer with included bait. The container was easy to open and manage with one hand for distribution of the granules. I applied a small amount, directions called for 1 to 2 ounces per mound, to a very large mound in my yard. I have not noticed any activity as of yet, but found the product easy to use and apply. The directions instruct to place a 1 foot band around living areas for full coverage and treatment, but I would need more than this 24 ounce bottle to cover around my entire house.  I understand that this should last for the next three months, and expect to see good results. Overall this product was easy to use, and covered a single large area and in researching the price appears to be of reasonable value. I live on a large country area, and if the mound I have treated continues not to show any activity, I plan on purchasing this item in the future.
  • 4.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    So far so good
    The Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer is exactly what I needed. Our yard is riddled with ant hills and we have had a lot of rain the past several months. It has recently become an issue with pushing the ants into our house. I cannot stand to have any bugs in my house so this seemed like the perfect item to try out. Make sure you read the instructions and check your weather forecast. You don't want to apply if the ground is wet or if it will rain within 24 hours. This product works by causing the ants to believe it is food. The worker ants pick it up and carry it back to the queen, who then eats it and dies, thus dooming the entire colony. You will want to place about 4 oz per 180 linear foot. You can also place the bait directly on or around the any mounds. Make sure if you do this to a fire ants nest, that you do not disturb it. You can also apply around porches, patios, driveway or anywhere ants are likely to be. The part I like about this container is that the lid has holes on one side and it's open on the other side of the lid. Like a spice container would have. I like using the side with the holes as it makes it easy to apply the granules under my building. I just squeeze the container and it blows out the granules underneath in the areas I cannot reach. Make sure to check the mounds in 30 days for any activity. It states that it can last up to 3 months. I have seen less activity around a few mounds that I placed it on so I do believe it is working. It has been about 5 days since I applied it. I'm limited on the amount of time I can review this so I can't give it a full 30 days. Overall, I do believe this product is working and I am happy about that. Ants are just a huge nuisance and I do not want them in my house or my yard. I do recommend this product.
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Kills ants outside so they can't come inside!
    i love this product! We have crazy ants in one corner of the house for some reason and we have tried everything from foggers to home remedies. I sprinkled this outside and even though the label says it could take from 1 to 4 weeks to work it worked much faster. I sprinkled it out on Sunday and by Tuesday there were very little ants outside and non inside. We have finally found something that works! This kills the ants at the source! We will keep using it and hope they don't stop making it!
  • 5.00 out of 5 stars review
    Verified Purchaser
    Works great!
    I have a lot of property with large dirt areas so I get a lot of ants roaming around and every year I have a problem with them getting into my house after water. I have tried a lot of things and this has worked the best. It's tiny particles that you sprinkle around the base of your house and structures and I also sprinkle some directly on the ant mounds and they carry it back and kill the others. It's so easy and really wipes them out. Sprays don't last and don't provide the benefit of being able to be taken back to the nest to kill the others.